Pre-Award Process

Identify Need

Develop Project Idea

MCC faculty or staff may initiate action to prepare a proposal for funding from an outside agency but must do so through appropriate campus procedures. Contact the Grants office for assistance.


  • Alignment with the MCC Mission and Strategic Plan
  • Problem/Need/Gap in service
  • Project goals, objectives and approach
  • Outcomes and Impact
  • Resources available or needed
  • Timeframe of implementation
  • In-kind/Matching funds required

Find Funding Sources

Numerous entities make grants to Institutes of Higher Education (IHEs). These include federal, state, and local government agencies, private foundations, and corporate giving programs.

  • Read listservs and newsletters in your field.
  • Search for federal funding opportunities.
  • Explore the internet for local, regional, and national foundations.
  • Do NOT contact funders directly; consult Grants office staff.

 Internal & External Funding Sources

Does MCC qualify for this funding? Is the project feasible?

Only proposals for the funding of activities consistent with the mission and goals of the College will be submitted to outside agencies.

  • Consult the Request for Proposal (RFP) or Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) for requirements and restrictions.
  • Is the College capable of fulfilling the requirements?
  • Consult federal/state guidelines.
  • Consider any limitations, such as the MCC decision-making process and funder time frame.

Approval to Proceed

Preliminary approval by MCC leadership is required.

  • Seek input and initial approval from your Chair and Dean.
  • Complete the MCC Intent to Submit Form and collect required signatures and submit to the Grants office. The Grants Director will submit to VPs and related offices for approval.
  • In coordination with Grants office, form project team and begin proposal development.

Develop Proposal

The Grants office and the project lead work together to coordinate the development of a full proposal.

Thoroughly Read Guidelines

  • Analyze the funder’s priorities, specific goals, and timelines. Questions to funder are handled by the Grants office.
  • Determine funding minimum/ maximum.
  • Identify budget requirements and restrictions.
  • Identify contacts/partners.
  • Re-examine project viability.

Draft Project Narrative and Budget

  • Meet with Grants staff to plan the proposal and design the project timeline.
  • Work with project team to develop the proposal.
  • Establish timeline for review of draft documents and final version.
  • Create budget and budget narrative Identify In-kind or Matching fund sources if required.
  • Is Human Subjects review needed?

Review and Edit

  • Review process includes self review, peer review, and Grants office review.
  • Incorporate suggested narrative or budget changes and edit as necessary.
  • Identify required supplementary documents, such as CVs, letters of support, citations, etc.
  • Grants office compiles all documents.

Submit Proposal

When the proposal is fully complete, the Grants office will submit all documents to the funding agency and record submission confirmation.